Monday, 16 December 2019

Dental Implants in Chennai, Anna Nagar

The most generally perceived issues that most adults face is the issue of supplanting a tooth. This regularly happens with no notice or because of rot or other comparable issues, subsequently not many would need to discard it and have dental embeds. There are certain symptoms that will fill a person in regarding whether they need to evacuate the harmed or rotted tooth and supplant it with a fresh out-of-the-box new tooth embed. Teeth implanting helps reduce bone issues in the jaw, has no restriction to the type of food one can eat, and it will never look like a fake tooth, it will look natural and it is long-lasting and comfortable. It will also help preserve the surrounding teeth as well. With the advancement in technology, impacts can be done in any place of the mouth and in any situation.

Dental Implants in Anna Nagar:

It is fitting to have the embed done if an individual experiences such disquieting conditions in their mouth. Advising the dental expert and taking real thought and treatment of the system is significant. A confirmed oral expert or an implantologist should help in doing the tooth implantation and in the association of IV anaesthesia. A few medicines might be agonising, yet at Blue Dental Clinic, they give the best treatment to such issues. Blue Dental Clinic is the best in dental implants in Anna Nagar, as they give a smooth medical procedure affecting another tooth and furthermore an effortless treatment. They have cutting edge innovation and furthermore minding staff to enable patients to feel great and furthermore to enable them to go with another motivation to grin.

Tuesday, 10 December 2019

Root Canal Treatment in Chennai, Anna Nagar

Do you like challenges?? yes!! Challenges make you come out of comfort zone and make you strong enough to fight against the pain but there is a situation when no one can’t be a winner when one’s challenge is to overcome dental pain or related dental defects. 

How is your win defined?

Check your dental performance

Changing food habits and love to explore new foods adds excitement and there is no limit. People try to control a lot when its all done rather than trying an alternative mechanism where an easy option would save their long-term pain. Check how??

Are you a master of dental maintenance??

Check-in your dental alternatives

Deep pains stay in our memory and makes us feel forever whether it’s a love or a heavy pain and when it comes to tooth its like a needle inside a cotton cloth. Trying to self-reduce the dental pain damages the dental areas and be a change maker by changing to root canal treatment in Chennai at Blue dental, Anna Nagar.

Staying with pain is more painful and reach to our root canal treatment in Anna Nagar which offers you an advanced treatment in dental protection.

Change the fate of your dental issues

Make it easy & we offer our expertise treatment

Broad choice to stay long with pain doesn’t makes comfortable and with our root canal treatment in Chennai, it’s like an easy step for you to re-write the refreshing story of your dental performance. Our root canal treatment in Anna Nagar offers you a complete solution to your dental & cavity damages and now you don’t need to remove your tooth and just strengthen it with through fillings in areas of damages and save your charming smile for a longer period. Reach us at blue dental root canal treatment at Chennai.

Thursday, 5 December 2019

Set your crooked teeth straight at a reasonable cost and minimum pain

Do your misaligned teeth make you self-conscious and prevent you from shining your best at social gatherings? To make the situation less awkward, the dentists these days are recommending invisible braces.

As a teenager we have heard through many of our friends and relatives an account of their uncomfortable experience with braces. Well, invisible braces do not have any of those hassles. You need not worry about the skin getting hooked to the braces or having food stuck in them or stop munching on your favourite chips in the fear of breaking the intricate pieces of your braces. The best advantage is you can smile confidently for the camera and not look like there is a constructions work going on in your mouth.

The invisible braces, also known as clear aligners, are a transparent plastic sheet that fits over your teeth. The treatment requires a series of braces to slowly pull the teeth into the right position. The invisible braces cost in Chennai are affordable at the Blue Dental. Our team, with decade worth of experience, starts by completely planning the entire process. We also ensure that you are looped in the process by showing you a virtual movement of your teeth throughout the process. 

A common misconception is that only teenagers can wear braces. This is not true at all. Blue dental has many adult patients who wear invisible braces as well. To know more about the Invisible braces cost in Chennai, contact us and book an appointment.

Wednesday, 27 November 2019

Dental Braces, Anna Nagar Chennai

Here is and many doesn’t know the problem once he was changed to Mr.sad due to his tooth issues which changed the storyline of Mr.Joy during his lifetime in Chennai. 

Are you hiding??

Let’s see who is hiding inside!!!

Its not your mistake people!!! Come forward and re-write the story and delight the crowd, lovable persons who spend a lot of time with you. There is a smart solution and don’t try hard to find a relief and access the smartest way to patch the needs.

Dental braces at Blue Dental, Anna Nagar offers you a two-way treatment where you can rectify your issues of tooth under the hands of the experts who offer you smart solution at ease of your requirements.

Change the voice of mirror

Clean smile be the priority

Let your mirrors speak the perfect part of your smile and not the grey areas of your tooth. Reap the benefits our treatment using dental braces in Anna Nagar, which is a simplest and best way of your dental care.

Leave your oral tooth worries

Blue dental as your smart step solution

Leave your worries about gum damages and our treatments ensure a simplest and best way to relieve your long-term maintenance worries for oral care. We know you are the jack of the cards and we place you exactly in the pack of cards and win the game with your smile.

Dental braces at blue dental, Anna Nagar is a cool buddy to your concerns who has braces who form a best colony of perfect protection and align your teeth to the best. We give away smile and take your pains. Grab your dental brace buddy at blue dental, Anna Nagar.

Monday, 18 November 2019

Root Canal Treatment for Children

How Much Do You Really Know About Root Canal Treatment for Children?

As a child, losing one’s milk teeth for a set of permanent ones can be eventful, devastating, painful or annoying a root canal treatment can help alleviate a few complications that arise during this phase. Most parents don’t pay much attention to this process unless it doesn’t adversely affect the child’s daily life. Losing milk teeth is a natural process which every person undergoes once in their lifetime, but this has led to a general lack of awareness towards the minor details of this process. Every milk tooth is a place holder for a permanent tooth that would sprout in its place, the process is gradual and occurs in multiple steps. However, in some cases when a child has poor oral care habits or poor diet it can cause milk tooth to fall at an earlier time. This premature loss of milk tooth paves way for the growth of infection in its position, sometimes causes the position of the tooth to shift setting groundwork for the development of a misaligned tooth in future and more importantly severe pain & discomfort while speaking or chewing. Undergoing a root canal treatment when such an incident occurs can help your child overcome these complications and complete this phase with a proper permanent tooth.

Choice of Root Canal Treatment Available for Children- Pulpotomy and Pulpectomy

Your Pedodontist would advise you to opt from one among the following root canal treatment options based on the degree of infection and alignment of nearby tooth: 

Pulpotomy: This procedure involves removing only the affected part, the infected tissue is removed from the pulp leaving healthy tissue intact.

This procedure is recommended when the immature tooth’s root apex is still open, the infection hasn’t reached the roots and while dentin is thin. The residual healthy tissue aids in forming the secondary dentin and root closure.

This procedure helps keep the pulp intact and assists in properly developing permanent tooth, the tooth that has undergone pulpotomy is still vulnerable to bacterial infection and in some severe cases, the procedure can fail. Although a stainless steel crown is required to provide adequate support, a pulpotomy is still the fastest and cheapest procedure.

Pulpectomy: This procedure is similar to pulpotomy, however, in this case, the entire pulp is removed unlike in pulpotomy where only the affected part is removed, finally, the pulp is replaced with a dental filling material.

It is recommended when the child’s tooth is diagnosed for pulpitis, especially in cases where the child suffers from a periapical abscess or when there is a sinus opening. It helps prevent tooth loss and has a high success rate.

Undergoing this procedure helps retain space for the time when the child’s permanent tooth erupts, it also restores the normal functioning of the tooth and relives the toothache. There is a minuscule chance of developing tooth discolouration due to cement used in filling, thus it is recommended replacing the tooth with a crown.


Neglecting premature loss of milk tooth can lead to:
  • Formation of puss and infection, adversely affecting the permanent tooth.
  • Risk chances of developing misaligned tooth and jaw.
  • Developing habits such as being unable to properly enunciate or chew.

Thus, it is recommended that you give your child the best dental attention and avoid future complication.

Tuesday, 12 November 2019

Painless Healing with Laser Dentistry

Does your teeth ache prevent you from getting your good eight hours of beauty sleep? Do you keep postponing your visit to the dentist because of the scary sharp instruments and the painful procedures that follow? Then we bring you a solution in the latest in technology – Laser Dentistry. Blue Dental, with a team of well experienced dentists, offers Laser dentistry in Anna Nagar. The team at Blue dental is one you can trust. With decades worth of experience and the use of the latest available technology, we cater to everyone your individual’s needs.

During root canal procedures and gum treatment dental lasers are used. The lasers help shape the gums and remove bacteria from them painlessly. In fact if you are using Dental Lasers you are no longer required to be given local anesthesia. There are many more advantages when preferring a Dental laser over the traditional methods. The damage to the surrounding tissues will be minimum due to the precision offered by Lasers. Hence it minimizes bleeding and allows the tissues to quickly heal. The sterilizing power of the laser further speeds up the healing process and also prevents any infections.

The use of dental lasers is depending on the treatment plan decided by your dentist after taking a look at your teeth situation. To consult a doctor about Laser Dentistry in Anna Nagar, book an appointment today. We are open on all days of the week from 9.30 am to 9.00 pm.

Monday, 4 November 2019

Things to Expect When Visiting A Dentist in Anna Nagar

-A Summary of Dental Implant Hospital’s treatment procedure in Chennai

Suffering from an infected or sensitive tooth can be devastating, especially when you are someone who loves to eat or are sensitive about your appearance or breath. During early stages, it causes minor discomfort, but with time it can grow into a complication which can severely affect one’s oral health. A decade ago, the dentist would surgically remove such a tooth, but modern dental practices focus more on tooth preservation, therefore unless it is an absolute necessity such a tooth won’t be removed. So, if your dentist in Anna Nagar is keen on removing the tooth despite possibilities of preservation, it is recommended to approach a good Dental Implant hospital with a reliable dentist for undergoing a dental implant procedure. The procedure’s name may seem imposing, but the logic behind it is quite simple and effective. An implant as the term suggests is an artificial replacement embedded on the tooth or gum to replicate the functions of a natural tooth. Contemporary dental procedures focus on preservation and pain-free treatment, so the fear of missing a tooth or withstanding pain while undergoing surgery is unnecessary. Still, having a general overview of common practices carried by a dental implant hospital can help you at times when necessary.

Before your dentist recommends an implant, multiple layers of evaluation are implemented to have a clear understanding of the problem. The dentist needs to have a precise idea about your current medical condition and an accurate X-ray image of the tooth and jaw before planning on the surgical procedure. The implant is surgically embedded only when you are declared surgically fit for the procedure, thus reducing chances of discomfort when undergoing surgery. The procedure is almost painless and requires very little healing time. Once completed any traces left by the surgery become negligible and the implant’s appearance is very similar to the natural tooth unless you had requested the dentist for a unique implant.

The new implant may require some time to get used to, but it would set in after a few months from the surgery. The Implant can last from 7 years to a lifetime unless it gets damaged accidentally, however in such cases it is can be easily replaced. Most of the time, tooth problem stops once the infected area is surgically removed and the implant crown is fixed in position, but in some cases when the tooth’s root gets infected undergoing root canal treatment may become necessary. Dental Implants are not a cosmetic procedure but a major lifestyle enhancement procedure, thus you don’t have to feel reluctant when your dentist in Anna Nagar recommends this treatment procedure.

Tuesday, 15 October 2019

Best Dental Hospital/ Clinic in Anna Nagar Chennai

Are You New in Anna Nagar? Looking for A Dentist? Here’s Everything You Need to Know

When you move to a new place everything around you seems unfamiliar, your decisions are primarily based on the opinion of those around you or google. Making an informed decision, choosing the right thing, separating facts from rumours makes every opinion a risky one, especially when the decision involves one’s health. 

Assume you are new in Anna Nagar and one day your cheeks suddenly swell due to tooth decay, what is your mode of action? Do you ask your neighbour for any pediatric dentist in Anna Nagar Chennai they know about? Do you visit the first dental hospital in Anna Nagar that shows up in your search result? Or do you take some time and analyse Dental clinics nearby your home? In most cases, it would be the third or second choice as you would be in a hurry. When in pain you wouldn’t care much about which hospital or clinic you are visiting as long as you can alleviate your condition.

However, if you cultivate the habit of taking a regular dental check-up once every few months, you are more likely to look for a dentist in Anna Nagar on whom you could place your trust.

If you are unsure what qualifies a dentist as a good dentist, then here is a list of some factors you can refer from:

1. Recognizes each patients’ distinct requirements.

2. Carries diagnosis in a scientific manner and creates a treatment plan based on the results.

3. Explains each procedure in a simple way before executing the treatment plan.

4. Educates the patient or patients family member about the nature of the disease, treatment options, potential risks & benefits and treatment cost.

5. Maintains high clinical standards when executing the dental procedure and post-treatment follow-ups.

6. Gives unparalleled attention to reduce patient’s anxiety and pain while providing a congenial experience.

Thursday, 19 September 2019

Few Insights You Didn’t Know About Dental Implants

The Dental implants were invented in the year 1952, they are currently used as a standard for prosthetic replacement of missing tooth in dental care. The dental implant is a surgical fixture secured to the jawbone, it fuses with the jaw over a span of months after it is surgically implanted. Dental implant mimic natural teeth and can fuse with the jawbone without being rejected as a foreign material. This implant effectively replaces the missing tooth and stabilizes functioning without affecting the nearby teeth.

Why is it Necessary:

Dental implants can replace one’s tooth, multiple teeth or all the teeth, it helps restore proper functioning and aesthetics of oral cavity.

Every dental implant clinic or dental implant hospital usually provides three types of tooth replacement options:

1. Dental Implants:
Dental implants are secured directly on the jaw bone and do not depend on the surrounding tooth for support. Therefore, before choosing to set a dental implant the dentist would diagnose the position of missing tooth, condition of jawbone, overall patient health, patient’s opinion and dental implants cost

2. Removable Dentures:
Affordable yet inconvenient option as there is always a chance of it slipping out of the mouth, also not recommended for people who often forget where they keep things. This appliance is easier to clean but the taste and sensory experience of food is lost.

3. Fixed Crowns and Bridges:
Dental crown and bridge work are a more suitable option when more than one tooth in a row are missing, however, its only drawback is its tendency to lean upon natural teeth for support.

What Types of Dental Implants are Available:

Since its introduction there are two types of Dental implants available:

1. Subperiosteal:
This type of implant is set on top of the jawbone and under the gum tissue, but the result yielded from this type of implant was subpar. Poor long-term results have led to the abandonment of this procedure in the present day dentistry.

2. Endosteal:
This type of implant is set within the jawbone and is more stable in comparison to subperiosteal, it comfortably fits in position and fuses with the bone. These implants can also be used as supports for removable dentures.

What Is the Potential Risk When Undergoing Dental Implant Surgery:

Like in case of all surgeries the risk involved in undergoing Dental Implant Surgery are:
  1. Bleeding.
  2. Infection.
  3. Allergies.
  4. Patients existing medical condition.
  5. Medicine rejection by patients’ body.
Fortunately, the success rate of setting the dental implant is very high in comparison to its minuscule chances of failure. Thus, it is recommended to get the implant done at the best dental implant clinic or best dental implant hospital in your locality.

Tuesday, 13 August 2019

7 Techniques to Prevent Root Canal Damage

When the tooth experiences a long period of decay, it leads to multiple complications such as bad breath, pain due to the tooth’s sensitivity and in most severe cases a root canal infection. Treatment for root canal infection involves scraping the infected part and implanting a tooth-like prosthetic cap over the affected area. Although the process helps prevent removal of the tooth, it's still a long, tedious and somewhat expensive one.

Getting a root canal treatment has many benefits, but it's much better to avoid root canal decay. Thus, here are 7 ways for you to prevent experiencing root canal damage.

Visit the Dentist Regularly

This is the shortest and best way to maintain your oral health, regular visits to the dental clinic can help you avoid a lot of problems that affect your teeth. Although a little tedious and a little time consuming, the best of dentist’s can help you retain your teeth for a longer duration as you grow old.

Indulge Your Teeth to A Healthy Diet

A good diet keeps your body in good health, your teeth are no exception. Binge eating junk foods and constantly drinking carbonated beverages worsens the teeth strength. Junk foods often manifest as plaque on the tooth while carbonated beverages make the tooth more brittle and sensitive.

Minimize Sugar Intake

Sugar easily transforms into energy, but too much sugar is not good for body and teeth. Sugar turns into a sticky plaque on the tooth and increases the rate of tooth decay when neglected. Thus, its vital to brush or wash your mouth after consuming sugar.

Clean Teeth with Dedication

Make a plan for maintaining your teeth, get advice from the best dentist you can think of and follow it with dedication. Although brushing, flossing and rinsing are dull and repetitive, they are essential for sustaining good oral health.

Never wait for the Cavity to Grow

Promptly treat any cavity or decay on the tooth, never delay till it really starts causing trouble. Visit the dental clinic nearby and get it removed.

Avoid Straining the Tooth

Treat your tooth better, avoid putting strain on it. Constantly biting foods which are too hard or tough is detrimental to tooth's strength.

Use the Right Tools the Right Way

Use toothbrush or floss that suits you the best, get advice from your dentist or the dental clinic nearby and learn to effectively use it.

Wednesday, 19 June 2019

Prevent Caries Not The Temptation

Power Shields for the Sweet Teeth

A very common preventive pediatric dental recommended procedure is pit and fissure sealants, or as we like to call them – “power shields” for teeth!

Why do kids need them?
Any molar surface that forms with deeper pits and grooves would be likely to trap food and bacteria and so the likelihood that dental decay could begin in these difficult to clean areas is quite high. Most patients can benefit from sealants around age 6 when their first permanent molars typically erupt and again when they are a bit older and erupt their second permanent molars, which is usually around age 12.

How does the procedure go?
The application of sealants can help prevent decay in your child’s teeth with a few simple steps and can be completed in only a few moments per tooth. It is a non-invasive procedure that requires no removal of tooth structure and is completely painless.

Painting On Your Child's Teeth

A protective coating called fluoride gel that’s applied in the dental office twice a year is an easy, quick, cost-effective method for the prevention of cavities.

When to do the treatment?
“Painting” the teeth at the end of our patients visits and it can be applied to primary (baby) or permanent teeth to help against the battle of tooth decay.

There have been many studies that show that fluoride therapy can reduce the incidence of cavities by 37-43% by inhibiting the loss of minerals from tooth enamel and killing the bacteria that cause cavities. Fluoride treatments also help treat enamel sensitivity and restore the strength of enamel.

Who should get the treatment done?

It is recommended that our patients with a moderate risk of cavities receive an application of fluoride gel at the end of their routine.

After all health of the milk teeth determine the health of permanent ones!!